The following are just some of the many organizations that provide information about DEI. While this is not a comprehensive list, use it to guide you to find additional insight.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – A historically recognized organization that defends constitutionally protected civil liberties.  

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  - A United States government organization operating to investigate discrimination charges against employers.  

9to5 – An organization fighting for workplace and economic equality for women.  

Coalition of Labor Union Women – An organization within the union movement concerned with women’s labor issues.  

National Committee on Pay Equity – A coalition of social justice organizations working to close wage gaps for women, people of color and other affected groups.  

National Partnership for Women and Families  - A national organization working to stop economic, legal and healthcare inequalities against women.  

Equality Now A legal advocacy organization targeting harmful practices and discrimination against women and girls globally.  

National Diversity Council – A not-for-profit that serves as a resource to increase diversity and inclusion within organizations.   


HelpAge USA – A national chapter of an organization that advocates for the rights of seniors and provides disaster assistance.  

Unretire Yourself - Resource for businesses on ageism and ways to make workplaces more inclusive to older people.  

Age On – A not-for-profit organization and educational blog striving to end ageism.   

AARP – An interest group that lobbies for seniors and provides healthcare insurance services. The website contains many articles and resources relating to seniors.  

Aging for Life – A T.V. show and podcast where people communicate about ageism and topics concerning older people.  The website contains resources concerning mental health, activism and more. – An educational organization focused on providing information relating to ageism and its effects.   

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Age Discrimination – An article by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on age discrimination and the EEOC’s protections for people over 40.  


Olmstead Rights - Disability Resources by State – An organization that advocates for people with disabilities by providing resources. This page offers resources by state.  

What Can YOU Do Campaign – A coalition of business organizations funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Disability Employment policy that campaigns for work opportunities for people with disabilities. 

Partnership on Inclusive Apprenticeship (PIA) – A business organization that works with other businesses to create apprenticeship programs for people with disabilities. 

Society For Neurodiversity – A community focused on supporting and providing resources for neurodivergent people.  

Asperger/ Autism Network  - An organization that provides support, education and advocacy for autistic people and their families.  

Autism Society – A society that advocates for the wellbeing of the autism community, such as employment policies.  

Autism Self Advocacy Network – An organization run by autistic people meant to empower members of the community and fight against disability discrimination.  


National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)  - An organization that advocates for and certifies LGBT businesses to expand economic opportunities for members of the community.  

Out to Innovate – A society for LGBTQIA+ people and allies in STEM fields that supports equal employment opportunity, networking and scientific education.  

Human Rights Campaign – An organization fighting to end LGBTQIA+ discrimination through political advocacy and other work.  

Out and Equal Workplace Advocates – An organization that partners with various groups to achieve LGBTQIA+ equality in the workplace.  

Lesbians Who Tech – An organization intended to empower lesbians in the technology industry. 

Pride at Work  - An organization made of LGBTQIA+ union workers that strive to achieve economic and social justice for members of the community.  

Reaching Out – An organization meant to empower and educate LGBTQIA+ people with or aspiring towards an MBA. 

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – A professional society that supports and empowers LGBTQIA+ people in the STEM field.  


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – A historically recognized organization that advocates for social justice and civil rights for Black Americans.  

The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting  - A professional association that provides networking and professional development opportunities to members of the Latino community.   

Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) – An organization that works to increase Latino and Hispanic inclusion in corporate fields.  

National Hispanic Medical Association – An association of Hispanic and Latino medical professionals working to improve healthcare and the healthcare field for members of the community.   

American Indian Science and Engineering Society – An organization that works to increase the representation of Indigenous people in STEM fields. 

National Society of Black Engineers – A student-governed organization that supports and advocates for Black students in the engineering field.   

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanic and Native Americans in Science – A society that empowers Native Americans and Chicanos/Hispanic people in the scientific field. 


Alliance Defending Freedom – A legal organization that represents individuals who are experiencing religious discrimination, regardless of religion.  

Freedom From Religion Foundation – An interest group that advocates for the separation of Church and State.  

Religious Holiday Calendar – Keep track of the religious holidays year-round.  

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Section 12: Religious Discrimination. Compliance manual on religious discrimination. 

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Religious Discrimination: Understanding religious discrimination and harassment in the workplace. 

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