Cultural diversity and mental health

Understanding the barriers to mental health access for minorities is important for breaking them down. Cultural competency helps honor the diverse and unique experiences of those from different backgrounds or with different beliefs. Learn about how you can support equal access to mental healthcare by watching the flash course below.

Cultural diversity in the workplace

Learn about the meaning of cultural diversity, the benefits of it in the workplace, possible barriers to developing a diverse workplace environment and how to embrace cultural diversity.

Improving cultural competency

Culture influences one’s beliefs, friendships, family dynamics, etc. Understanding and respecting various cultures is an important part of cultural competency. You don’t always have to agree with another’s beliefs, but awareness of differences, listening to someone’s point of view and practicing flexibility can help you strengthen your interpersonal relationships and reduce conflict.

Preventing sexual harassment

Harassment should never be a part of the workplace. In this short course, you’ll learn the facts about sexual harassment and its many forms, as well as your role in preventing and responding to harassment in the workplace.

Building better mental health

Ways to cope with a mental health concern, handle your emotions better and feel more positive and energetic.

When it’s time to seek support

Much like you visit the doctor for a sickness or an injury, you can do the same for your mental health. Watch this flash course to learn about when to seek to support for your wellbeing.

Building resilience

In this short eLearning course, you will learn about the personal quality of resilience and practical strategies for building resilience in your everyday life.

Mindfulness for everyday life

Greater awareness and active, open attention to the present can lead to better health and optimal performance.

Self-care strategies for emotional wellbeing

Taking care of your wellbeing is vital to your productivity and overall health. When life gets busy, it can be difficult to remember to practice self-care. Watch the flash course to learn helpful self-care strategies so you can feel your best.

Understanding anxiety

Different types, its causes, common symptoms, treatment options and a few exercises to help you cope day-to-day.

Understanding depression

Types of depression, the causes, common signs and symptoms and some treatment options.

Anger management

Tools to understand and manage feelings of anger.

Mental health first aid basics

The signs of someone struggling with a mental health concern, how to connect in a supportive and appropriate way and resources available to help address and resolve the concern.

Stress management

You can begin using healthy habits and coping skills today to help you better manage the stress you face and build resilience.

Suicide awareness

Common risk factors for suicide, protective factors, the warning signs that indicate a person might be contemplating suicide and – most importantly – how to get immediate help when concerns about suicide arise.